VCCI Certification

Certification Summary
VCCI in Japan itself is a private organization , but because member is wide and influential, the recognition mark is relatively high , substantially exported to Japan many electronic products are required to have VCCI mark.

Japan VCCI EMC certification mark , Control Council for Interference by the Japanese (VoluntaryControlCouncilforInterferencebyInformationTechnologyEquipment (ITE)) management for IT equipment in accordance with standard electromagnetic radiation interference CISPR22 evaluate IT product meets VCCI requirements, develop a voluntary certification method . The test content for the electromagnetic compatibility testing phase is a good complement to other certification requirements for , it is widely accepted.
Manufacturers should first apply to become a member of VCCI before they can use the VCCI mark.

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PSE Certification

Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law of Japan for the electrical products are divided into compulsory ( prescriptive ) certified products ( 115 kinds of products specified ), using diamond logo certification and non-mandatory ( non -earmarked ) certified products , using a circular PSE mark “certification “that is self- declaration of conformity (DOC) of PSE certification.

Currently , the Japanese government in accordance with the Japanese “Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law” stipulates that the electrical supplies into ” specific electrical supplies ” and “non -specific electrical supplies “, where ” certain electrical appliances ,” including 115 kinds of products ; ” non-specific electrical supplies .” including 339 kinds of products.
Large electrical products market in Japan , Japanese consumers the safety of electrical products very seriously. From April 1, 2001 , the Japanese ” Electrical Products Control Act (DENTORI)” officially renamed the ” Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law (DENAE)”, consistent use of PSE mark , and to strengthen penalties against importers . PSE including EMC and safety requirements of the two parts . PSE certification mode : Type test + initial factory inspection + supervision after inspection . (PSE round factory inspection certification is not required . )

Specific electrical supplies:
Where are the product ” specific electrical supplies ” in the directory , enter the Japanese market must be authorized by METI third-party certification bodies , to obtain a certificate of authentication , and a diamond PSE logo on the label.

Non- specific electrical supplies:
“Specific electrical appliances ” outside electrical supplies are ” non-specific electrical supplies .” To enter the Japanese market, ” non-specific electrical supplies ,” self- declaration by the enterprise mode of expression in line with electrical safety law requires . According DENAN law , the manufacturer is obliged to save the test results and proof , there must be rounded PSE logo on the label.

CCC Certification

December 2001, AQSIQ issued a “compulsory product certification regulations” to compulsory product certification system (CCC certification) to replace the original imported goods safety and quality licensing system (CCIB mark for short) and electrical product safety certification system (referred to as the Great Wall certification).
CCC certification is a statutory compulsory safety certification system. Included in the “implementation of mandatory product certification catalog” of products, including household appliances, automobiles, safety glass, medical equipment, wire and cable, toys and other 22 categories of 170 kinds of products, the catalog of these products must be certified by CCC plus CCC logo affixed to the sales in the market. CCC certification mode: Type testing + Initial inspection of the factory + Follow-up inspection.

KC Mark Certification

1. Certification Overview
In order to enable consumers to understand more clearly marked on the product purchased certification marks , and product manufacturers to reduce the burden of various certification costs, Korea Technical Standards Institute (KATS) August 20, 2008 announced in 2009 a January 1, 2009 introduced a new certification system KC (Korea Certification) certification. KC certification program will be January 1, 2009 for all mandatory use of electronic and electrical products KC logo, to replace the original EK mark the new KC logo.

Electrical and electronic products are divided into two categories: 1 ) mandatory product safety certification ; 2 ) voluntary product safety confirmation . The first category of products which are used in the fifth authentication mode , that type test + factory inspection . Voluntary safety confirmation type testing of products using acknowledgment mode + security certification . Most electrical and electronic products must meet safety and EMC standards.
Certified products must be affixed KC certification mark can only be sold in the Korean market.

2 Our Services

As a Korean certification bodies KTL, KTR other Korean certification bodies collaborating laboratory in China , BSTcan provide KC logo certification testing ( safety + EMC) and the application of certified services.
Meanwhile , BST can provide customers with CB + KC certified one-stop service , while access to more than one test certificate , to help export companies selling products in the international market.

IAQC Certification