C-Tick Certification

Certification Summary
C-Tick EMC is part of Australia , the Australian Communications Authority (ACA-AustraliaCommunityAssociation) to regulate , currently only be part of the interference control products within the scope of control from 1999 / 01 to start enforcement.
Australia uses EMC EMC requirements framework ( 1992 Radiocommunications Act ) self- proclaimed way . In this architecture specification electrical products are required to comply with Australian standards , and obtain approval of the Australian Communications Authority to use the C-Tick mark .
Australia EMC system the product is divided into three levels , vendor sales level two, level three products must be registered in the ACA , for the use of C-Tick mark .

Level of a product
Interference refers to the use of equipment with lower radiation spectrum wireless products, such as a manual switch , a simple relay , single squirrel-cage induction motor , and resistance. On the level of a product , the supplier must provide a signed declaration of conformity and product description of the book . Level One products may voluntarily apply for C-Tick mark , but vendors choose to use the mark, the declaration of conformity and product description of the book , while also providing compliance records to prove that the products have been described in the statement comply with the relevant EMC standards. Test site is not required , allowing the internal testing.
Level two products
Refers to the use of wireless devices interfering with higher radiation spectrum of products, such as switching power supplies , welding machines , dimmers , most household appliances. Suppliers must sign declaration of conformity and provide products described in the book , but also provide test reports carried out in accordance with relevant standards , if there is no relevant standards, you need to provide the technical architecture documents, test site is not required , allowing the internal testing.
Level 3 Products
Refers to the use of wireless devices interfering with high radiation spectrum of products, namely CISPR11 and CISPR22 covered products. Currently, the communication terminal products still contains within this range , but from November 7, 2003 , the end product will be divided into two levels of the product . Suppliers must sign declaration of conformity and provide products described in the book , but also by an approved testing agency to provide test reports .
Certification mark
C-tick RMC


SAA Certification

SAA standards introduced
Australia’s standards “AS” at the beginning , Australia and New Zealand joint standard with “AS / NZS” at the beginning . Standards Australia and New Zealand standards consistent with the IEC, there are some differences between countries at the same time . Australia and New Zealand to implement uniform standards and mutual recognition of certification , certified products as long as a country can be in another country after the sale .
Certification / oversight bodies :
Australia is a federal state , electrical safety and energy requirements of the certification , control and management by individual states or regional control department (RegulatoryAuthority) conducted in accordance with state / regional certification program . Any certificate issued by a state equally effective in other states / territories , without any additional formalities. In addition , SAA wholly owned subsidiary QAS standards bodies (QualityAssuranceServicesPtyLtd.) is Australia’s NCB (NationalCertificationBody), which also issued a certificate to recognize each state or territory has the same effect .
Product Safety Certification
Australia is no uniform safety certification mark , the individual states or territories have provisions of the management of electrical products in the form of legislation. Although the name and date of promulgation of the different, the content of each State or Territory legislation on electrical safety are basically the same . Electrical products are divided into categories of electrical control (prescribedproduct) and non- regulated products (Non-prescribedproduct).
According AS/NZS4417.2 control class electrical products division , including electric equipment, refrigeration equipment , electric tools , spare parts and so on. Directory on the Government Gazette , and increased according to the actual situation. Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria, the most active in the certification process . In Queensland, for example, the Electricity Act (theelectricityAct1994) announced the detailed provisions electrical certification , sale and use.
1, the control class appliances: electrical control class must be made mandatory by the monitoring department issued a certificate (certificateofapproval), and provides identification ( certificate number must be marked ) . It should be noted that the certification process , not only for the safety or quality of performance , unless related to security.


A-TICK Certification

A-Tick is by the Australian Communications Authority (Australian Communications Authority, referred to as the ACA) issued to telecommunications equipment certification mark.

1 , manufacturers and imports must be more steps to use A-Tick according to the following :

( A ) , the implementation of technical standards test ACAQ
(B ) to ACA registered to use A-Tick
( Three ) , fill in the ” Statement of Compliance Form ” (Declaration of Conformity Form), and products comply with record keeping
( Four ) , the communication products or equipment affixed with A-Tick mark identification (label)
( Five ) , sales to consumers

2, A-tick telecommunications equipment requirements

According to section 21 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 in Australia by the Australian Communications and Media Authority ACMA is responsible for the technical management of consumer telecommunications equipment and consumer connections. ACMA introduced to this end based on product labels and comply with the relevant technical standards of self-management system , the telecommunications system in accordance with Bulletin 2001 to implement the label .
The main objective is to ensure compliance with the requirements of such products comply with the relevant technical standards and requirements of the regulatory authorities before providing or connected to telecommunications networks have been appropriate logo. Technical standards related to the health and safety of users and operating personnel on the integration of telecommunications networks , providing interconnection availability of standard telephone services and telecommunications networks to achieve emergency call service .
Australian manufacturers and importers or their authorized agents must be labeled A-tick labels on the label specified in the notice or do not meet the product label .
In general, any consumer devices and connections on the ability to connect consumers to the operator or operators of public telecommunications network service providers are all labels defined in the announcement of telecommunications products, such as :
Answering Machine
Mobile telephone
Fax machine
Telephone ( including cordless phones )
(1) A-Tick only applies to communications products, electronic products , mostly to apply C-Tick, but the electronics if the application A-Tick, you do not need to apply separately for C-Tick.